Activities Key Terms Quizzes Art Chapter 39 Self-Quiz
Unit 6: Interaction with the Environment The Biosphere Review
  1. The biosphere, composed of seven biomes and eight biomes, refers to all of the organisms and their environments on Earth. Human activity is rapidly changing the biosphere.
  2. Climate is the prevailing conditions in an area over relatively long periods of time. A major influence on climate is radiation. The of the earth gives rise to seasons as it around the Sun.
  3. Climate is largely influenced by . The temperate regions of the world are bounded by the Tropics of and and the and Circles.
  4. The of the earth causes day and night. Animals that are active during the day are , those that are active at night are , while those active at twilight are . The rotation also causes the Coriolis Effect and deflect prevailing winds: the blow in the tropical regions, while blow in the temperate regions. Prevailing winds cast a rain when they are blocked by a mountain range.
  5. Large bodies of water have a effect on the climate of surrounding lands.
  6. Terrestrial biomes are classified mainly by the dominant of the region, which in turn is largely determined by . The 7 major terrestrial biomes are: , , , , , , and . Tropical forests are the most of the biomes.
  7. Aquatic biomes are classified by their physical characteristics, such as , , and water and . The 8 major aquatic biomes are , , , , , , , and . Coral reefs are the most of the biomes, while the is least productive among the aquatic biomes. How many aquatic biomes can be found near our area?
  8. Human impact on the biosphere include loss and deterioration, , and . We may also be affecting itself.

Activities Key Terms Quizzes Art Chapter 40 Self-Quiz
Unit 6: Interaction with the Environment Why Organisms Live Where They Do Review
  1. The branch of science that examines how organisms interact with their environment, and why organisms live where they do, is .
  2. The areas over which a species can be found naturally is called their , or . This may not include all the suitable for that species.
  3. Historical factors, such as drift, can affect species distribution. An example is the distribution of fossil of the across 3 continents, including , due to drift, a process still ongoing today.
  4. Humans can affect species dispersal by introducing alien species such as the which can displace native organisms.
  5. The (abiotic) environment of a habitat includes factors such , , , and .
  6. The factors includes prey and species, as well as . The abiotic and biotic environments interact to form the .
  7. Disturbances such as , , , and can damage some organisms while providing opportunities for other organisms.
  8. Other factors affecting species distribution include climate change, , and loss and deterioration.
  9. Why is it important to know the diversity of organisms living in our rivers?
  10. Why should we care about the welfare of the Spotted ?
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