Activities Key Terms Quizzes Art Chapter 36 Self-Quiz
Unit 5: Form and Function Reproduction Review
  1. Reproduction is the production of from a parent or parents. It may occur , resulting in offspring to the parent, or , resulting in offspring that are different from the parents through genetic .
  2. Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by binary .
  3. Eukaryotic sexual reproduction involves of genes from two parents: each parent contributes a set of chromosomes via called and .
  4. If the sperm can meet the eggs in environments, fertilization can take place externally.
  5. A more secure method of sperm delivery is fertilization, such as the tube in plants and in animals.
  6. In animals, the gametes fuse during to form diploid which then develop into mature offspring.
    • Since females tend to produce fewer, but higher quality than males, they tend to be more selective in mate choice. This results in sexual , where males compete with each other and develop characteristics that enhance opportunities but that may lead to individual peril.
    • Some animals are , containing both sexes in the same individual, but most must find a mate to reproduce.
    • Some animals can reproduce asexually in a process called , in addition to sexual reproduction.
  7. Many plants can reproduce asexually through various underground or by cuttings or grafts.
  8. Plants undergo an of in their sexual reproduction cycle.
    • In ferns, he diploid produces haploid which germinate into . The free-living gametophytes make eggs and sperm, which can to produce the diploid .
    • In flowering plants, the tiny male gametophyte allows of the sperm nuclei over long distances. The female gametophyte serves a and function.
    • Plants rely on passive vectors such as and to disperse the pollen, or develop a relationship with animal to carry the pollen.
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