Peter Chen | Office hours: before or after class |
Voicemail: 630-942-2800 x58218 | Mailbox: Naperville |
Email: ![]() | Class Code: 3090-1100-601 |
Web: | Section: 30318 |
Required Textbooks:
- | Cain, Michael L., Damman, Hans, Lue, Robert A. and Carol Kaesuk Yoon. Discover Biology Second Edition. New York: W. W. Norton, 2002. |
- | Anderson, Barbara. J. Survey of Biology 1100 Laboratory Guide 4th Edition. 2005. |
Lectures and Labs:
The instruction time for each class is 160 minutes, with 30 minutes of break time, for a total of 190 minutes.
Attendance in both lecture and lab is critical to success in this course. 10% of your grade will be based on participation.
Significant contributions to class discussion or lab work may result in extra credit participation points at the instructor’s discretion.
A good way to earn participation points is to read assigned material ahead of time and come to class prepared to contribute.
A good way to lose participation points is to talk in class, miss classes, or start packing up 2 minutes before the end of class.
There will be 5 tests, each worth 100 points. The lowest score of the 5 tests is weighted at 50%; so the total
possible points from the tests are 450. Makeup tests must be taken by the next scheduled class; otherwise a score of 0 will be
recorded for that test.
Lab data sheets will be collected after each lab and assessed for participation, up to 5 points each.
There will be 8 quizzes worth 10 points each, with the lowest score of the 8 dropped.
The quizzes may cover lab topics.
No makeups for labs or quizzes.
There will be 1 lab final exam worth 100 each.
Other assignments will include a homework assignment, 2 lab reports, and a team presentation.
Taking Notes:
Outlines for each class are posted on the web and distributed in class. You may use these as an aid in taking notes, or you may
choose to take notes on your own paper. In either case, you are encouraged to take notes; achievement in class is strongly correlated with
note taking!
Homework and Assignments:
You have homework assignment for every class: or lab read the assigned material before coming to class, and bring your textbook/lab guide to
class. One specific written homework will be given during the semester. Other assignments include 2 lab reports and a team project. All
assignments should be typed and include at least 2 references, unless otherwise specified, using either APA or MLA citation style. The
textbook or lab guide do not count as references. Attach copies of the specific pages you referenced, and use a highlighter to highlight the
passages used. If the reference is available electronically, you can cut and paste the relevant sections and boldface or otherwise highlight
your passages. Assignments should be submitted to me electronically as part of your record. Teams of up to 3 students will be chosen to
present a team project during the last week of class. Detailed requirements will be given.
Extra credits: An opportunity for extra credit work is a field trip during the middle weeks. The time and the points you can earn will be determined at that time. A trip report is required to get extra credits. Most quizzes and exams will contain extra credit questions; these may cover topics in the textbook not specifically addressed in class, or topics raised during discussions in class or lab. So pay attention to all class discussions and participate! Supplementary reading material will be provided for some classes; you can earn up to 5 extra credit points by writing a one-page report on the supplementary reading and giving a brief presentation during class, up to a total of 20 points.
The deadline to withdraw from class is 8 calendar days following mid-term; or Wednesday, 4/12. Withdrawal after that date will require my
approval, and only under extreme circumstances. However, I will not grant a request to withdraw if you are getting a failing grade at that
Pass/Fail Option:
If you wish to take this course on a Pass/Fail basis you must earn grade points of a "C" or higher to receive a "Pass". You must sign a form
for the Pass/Fail option; deadline for submitting the form to me is the same as withdrawing from the class: 4/12.
Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty is prohibited. See CHEN catalog, Course-Related Academic Integrity.
If you have any questions about this class, or about your career here and beyond, please feel free to contact me
by telephone, email, or in-person. If you need to see me at times other than before or after class, please make arrangements with me.
Congratulations, you have finished reading the Syllabus for Biology 1100. Read the assignments and notes as carefully as you have read
this, and you will do well!
Bio1100 | updated: Jun 22, 2006. | Author: Peter Chen. |