3:10 Bowhead Whale trapped in a polynia |
 4:25 Beluga Whales also trapped, hunted by |
 4:25 Polar Bear |
 7:45 Herring Gull?s scavenge |
 8:35 Arctic Fox also scavenges on kill |
 10:15 Harp Seals nursing on pack ice |
 11:10 Hooded Seal males display |
 12:10 Ringed Seal birth in cave |
 12:30 Polar Bear mother and cub hunt for Ringed Seal pup hiding in lair |
 16:20 Spectacled Guillemot? dive and swim in summer |
 17:20 Beluga Whales feed on Arctic Cod in leads (cracks in melting ice) |
 18:10 Narwhals |
 18:55 Bowhead Whales feed on copepods |
 20:00 Polar Bear swimming |
 20:45 Walrus molting in spring, feeding on soft-shelled clams |
 23:05 Beluga Whales also need to molt in shallow water |
 26:25 Emperor Penguins in Antarctica |
 27:45 Weddell Seal scrapes air hole with teeth |
 29:45 Krill scrape algae off ice |
 31:15 Chinstrap Penguins climbing on land to breed |
 34:15 Chinstrap Penguins |
 36:40 Minke Whales |
 36:40 Humpback Whales |
 39:50 Antarctic Fur Seals |
 39:50 Krill |
 40:00 Emperor Penguins |
 40:00 Leopard Seal |